DPSS: Department of Public Social Services

DPSS: Department of Public Social Services

We are here to help low-income families and individuals. Please look at the Programs and Services on our website to see what types of assistance you need. Benefits; Medi-Cal; Insurance; CalFresh; GR; General Relief Website > Contact: (866) 613-3777 17600 C, 17600...
CalWORKs Homeless Assistance

CalWORKs Homeless Assistance

The CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) Program was established to help families in the CalWORKs program meet the costs of securing or maintaining permanent housing or to provide emergency shelter when a family is experiencing homelessness. Homeless; Unhoused; Rent;...
Pet Food Pantry

Pet Food Pantry

The Pet Food Pantry is a community resource to assist low-income families and individuals in the City of Los Angeles experiencing financial hardship who need help feeding their animal companions. Pet; Pet Food; Food Website > Contact: 1850 W 60th StreetLos Angeles,...
Metro: Seniors 62+/ Medicare/ Customer with Disability

Metro: GoPass

Students at participating K-12 and Community Colleges can enjoy the freedom of going anywhere, anytime for FREE on Metro buses and trains. Youth; Kids; Children; Teens Website...